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People have their worst day, wishing to forget it.
Got a sandwich stuck in the vending machine. I bought a drink to push the sandwich. Damn.
2. Meanwhile in Drogheda
3. Well f*%k
4. This is why I can’t have nice things
5. Today was a bad day at Apple’s customer service. The dude slammed the door on the way out.
6. Bad day at the new job
7. I was also having a bad day.
8. Oh, damn…
9. What are the odds?
10. My friend works at a bank and today this happened.
11. I’m a baker. After working all morning on this order, I get this text from my boss…
12. A great way to start the day
13. If you’re having a bad day yourself…
14. Ultimate fail. Don’t really know how to caption this. Just look
15. My friend put a glass of ice water down on a black glass table on the hottest day of the year.
16. My senior high school yearbook delivers one last punch.
17. No U-turn allowed? F*%k it, I’m a truck.
18. This is my dad’s $800 guitar. I’m dead.
19. Washed some pillows…
20. So I walked into my office this morning…
21. Well, sh*t.
22. Can’t make it to work, I’m frozen in.
23. This handicap toilet in a 4-star hotel.
24. Left my window down at Walmart & came back to a slice gone
25. Don’t want to lose that bikini top